General Info

Important Contacts: | Property Manager: |
Police/Fire/Medical Emergencies:__Dial 911 | Sylvie Gauthier, CAM |
Sheriff (Non-emergency)___________(239) 463-4333 | 4198 Bay Beach Lane- office |
Ft Myers Beach Fire Department____(239) 462-6163 | Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 |
Florida Power and Light____________(800) 226-3545 | Phone: 239-765-9700 |
Century Link (phone)_______________(800) 339-1811 | Email: |
Xfinity Cable/Internet______________(800) 934-6489 | |
USI Insurance Services_____________(813) 320-0236 | |
Advanced Disposal________________(239) 334-1224 | |
Waterside Gate Attendant__________(239) 463-0784 |
CATV & Internet Service Provider – Comcast is the service provider for Waterside III. Call Comcast at (800) 934-6489 from the PHONE NUMBER ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACCOUNT. This will connect you to the bulk center of excellence. If you can not do this, then call (855) 510-1609 from any phone number that is not associated with your Comcast account, please have the agent add that number to your account.
Building Access – The property manager can program the tele-entry keypad with your local landline or cell phone to allow guests to access the building. When called from the tele-entry keypad, touch *, then 6 on your phone, then hang up. This will allow brief access to the front door. Phone number changes should be provided to the property manager, Sylvie, at (239) 765-9700 or
Carts – Carts are available in both garages. Please be considerate of others and return them promptly. Contractor or vendor use of these items is prohibited.
Doors & Alarms – DO NOT prop open the doors or allow service providers to do so. An alarm will sound if a door is open for an extended period of time.
Trash – In order to keep Waterside III costs under control, please conserve natural resources; take ALL recyclables to the trash room on the lobby level. There are recycle bins for glass, plastic, metal and collapsed cardboard. Please CUT DOWN your cardboard so that it fits in the bin. Bag and securely close all trash dumped down the chutes. Waste Management (239) 334-1224 offers a free appliance or large item pickup. An owner needs to call and select option 3. Once the pickup has been scheduled, please place your large item or appliance outside to the left of the trash room door in the parking lot for pick up. See the recommended Vendors page for additional resources.
The trash room should not be used as a repository for free items. Please place a listing on the owners board for any items you’d like to offer free to another resident.
Pets – Dogs must be leashed at ALL times. Dog stations are located throughout the community for pet waste. No pets are EVER allowed in the pool area, social room or fitness room.
Fitness Room – The fitness room is locked. Access can be gained with the building’s entrance key. Children under the age of 14 are NOT allowed in the fitness center unless there is an adult present and actively supervising.
Tennis Courts – In order to operate our tennis courts smoothly and equitably for all the residents of Waterside there are strict rules for usage and maintenance. These rules are posted outside the entrance to the courts, and can be found on the WMA Property Manager’s website.
Bicycles – You must obtain a sticker for each bicycle on site from the Property Manager. Bicycles can be kept in the bike racks located under the building carport.
Pool – The pool has joint usage by Waterside III & IV and is managed and owned by WMA (Waterside Master Association). Rules and regulations are those of the State, County, Town and WMA and are posted on the fencing of the pool. Failure to comply may result in loss of use and expense. NO glass on the pool deck or in the pool. This is a severe safety issue and any failure in compliance will force inspection and possible cleaning to ensure no glass is in the pool, The owner will be billed for all costs involved.
Gatehouse – The Waterside entry gatehouse is staffed from 6 am – 10 pm, 7 days a week. Between 10 pm and 6 am if no guard is present, push the button on the kiosk located in front of the gatehouse. A guard will respond within one minute. Have your drivers license ready. In an emergency call 504-230-0350.
Obtain a windshield sticker for each vehicle registered in your name that will be on site, otherwise obtain a temporary pass. Please be reminded that the gatehouse staff are attendants and NOT security. For visitors, contractors or deliveries coming to your unit, use the TEKControl visitor management system app. Instructions for the app are in the Waterside Master welcome packet.
Parking – Each unit is assigned one parking space. Additional owner vehicles (with proper stickers) may be parked in the outer perimeter of the driveway or the side parking lot. Owner vehicles with proper stickers may obtain a barcode sticker for their vehicles from the Gate Attendant allowing entry through the Owner’s Entry Gate. ALL motorized vehicles require either a permanent or temporary entry and parking pass.
Delivery & Transporting – Elevator pads are hanging in the east garage and should be used in the elevator when transporting furniture, construction materials and other large items. You are responsible for your contractors. When the task is complete it is the unit owner’s responsibility to return the pads to the garage.
Posting/Bulletin Boards – See the bulletin board across from the mailboxes in the lobby for all official Board information. See the bulletin board between the garage door and the mailboxes for Social Committee information. The bulletin board coming in from the back garage door near the mailroom is available for owner’s postings. You must include your name, unit number and the date at the bottom right hand corner of your posting.
Common Areas/Common Sense – Quiet time in the community is 11 pm to 7am. NO EXCEPTIONS! Be mindful that sound travels from the lanais and parking lots. Unit doors are also not soundproof, so be courteous and keep voices down in the hallways. We regard our neighbors as extended family and treat them with respect. However, if talking to your neighbors have not resolved an issue that you feel is in violation of the community’s serenity and governed by our documents, please contact the property manager.
Guest Suites – Guest Suites located on the 1st floor are for the owner’s overflow guests and the owner MUST BE IN RESIDENCE. The suites are reserved through the property manager. The reservations are non-refundable and are on a first come, first served basis, starting 90 days before the desired occupancy. Owners are responsible for their guests and their behavior.
Wi-Fi Access – There is wifi access for the social room and the pool area. The wifi area for the social room is palmtree. The adjoining guest suites should use the social room wifi network also. For wifi at the pool: Click on settings/preferences on your device. Look for the wifi XFINITY in all caps. Note: this is an unsecured connection. Click on XFINITY, enter your Waterside unit Comcast username and password. If you select auto-connect, going forward, your wifi account will be recognized whenever you are at the pool.